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5 Ways to Clean Stubborn Cobwebs

5 Ways to Clean Stubborn Cobwebs

Strings of cobwebs covering your walls can be very frustrating. It’s even more annoying when cleaning cobwebs with a broom isn’t enough, and they leave a sticky residue behind. Spider web cleaning can sound exhausting, but you don’t know the right ways to get rid of them in reality. Here are 5 ways to clean stubborn cobwebs with ease:

1. Vinegar, the Magic Ingredient:

How to get rid of spider webs on your own? DIY vinegar spray is the best option.

Here is the recipe:
  • One cup of apple cider vinegar
  • One teaspoon of oil
  • One cup of pepper
  • One teaspoon of liquid dish soap

Add these into a spray bottle, spray it everywhere you may find webs, and wipe away the excess with a cloth. This solution dissolves them entirely and leaves behind a stick-free, clean surface.

2. Essential oils: A Spider’s Worst Enemy

The best way to minimize cleaning cobwebs is to take away the source: spiders. What spiders dislike most are essential oils. These include lavender, eucalyptus, citronella, and lemon essential oils. Spiders tend to stay away from all areas that smell like those.

Either invest in a diffuser or add a few drops into water and spray it around the house. Candles that smell like essential oils are also available and perform the same.

3. Vacuum them Away!

More often than not, hovering your vacuum cleaner over webs is an effective method of spider web cleaning. This method also sucks up any spiders that are still living on those webs, so you’re getting two benefits with an appliance everyone is bound to own.

A downfall of using a vacuum cleaner is that if the webs are relatively new, they leave behind a sticky residue. Try using the methods above to tackle this issue.

4. Dust Regularly:

At times, you end up with heaps of cobwebs that have gathered over time, making spider web cleaning very tiresome and time-consuming. To prevent this from happening, be sure to dust regularly.

Cleaning your house frequently helps keep dust away and enables you to identify and remove any cobwebs instantly. This way, cleaning cobwebs only takes one spray of your vinegar mixture, a swipe of your cloth, and you’re good to go. Add cleaning cobwebs to the list of your daily chores to make it even easier.

5. Call an Exterminator:

Have you been spending hours in spider web cleaning, but you sigh and repeat “how to get rid of spider webs” every day? Have you seen multiple spiders scurrying across your walls and floors quite often? You may have an infestation.

When multiple spiders begin living in your house, anything you try may be futile.

You may require professionals to help you get rid of them. Numerous exterminators are available and are just a call away. Eliminating pests is difficult and may need to be done by an exterminator, so if it’s getting worse, give up and pick up the phone.

5 Ways to Clean Stubborn Cobwebs


Spider web cleaning may seem like a tedious and challenging task. Still, these five handy tips can change your methods of cleaning cobwebs as a whole. Try these suggestions, and you’ll be sure to integrate them into your household chores when you realize how effective they are. You’ll never have to worry about spiders ever again.


What external factors affect the strength of a web?

Light, temperature, and humidity all affect the strength of a web. Spiders release the adhesive to make webs sticky after the cobweb. Because of this, external factors affect the stickiness and thus the power of the cobweb. For example, in colder climates, the sticky substance would harden faster compared to hotter regions.

Can spider webs be used to make other products?

As they are sticky and waterproof, they can be a part of multiple products. It aids in the production of liquid wires, string adhesives, artificial tendons, and bandages. Many companies also use it for products that need a little extra strength, including body armor, airbags, and athletic helmets. However, these products are not produced frequently because many spiders would have to be harvested to get enough to make multiple products.

Do spiders have all this silk stored inside them?

This is somewhat true. The thread is stored as a highly concentrated liquid inside the spider’s body. This liquid protein turns into solid thread or silk as soon as it leaves the spider’s body.

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